Book launch: «O Fim da Europa»
October 13 2022 | 6 PM
Auditorium 1
Instituto da Defesa Nacional
Round-rable 'Europe-India: Facing Crises Together, From the Pandemic to the Ukraine War'
October 11 2022 | 6 PM
Free admission
Fundação Oriente, Macau Room
«25 de Abril» Essay Award
7ª Edition
Winner: Gonçalo Margato
Book launch & debate
«Conversas da Fundação» Portugal-Brazil: atlantic dialogue
30 | September| 2022
El Corte Inglés Lisbon
Debate '50 Anos do 25 de Abril de 1974'
September 11, 2022 | 7 PM
Auditório Sul
Feira do Livro de Lisboa, Parque Eduardo VII
Debate 'Portugal-Brasil, irmãos desavindos?' | Book presentation 'Portugal-Brasil, Encontros e Desencontros'
September 9, 2022 | 6 PM
Palco Praça Azul
Feira do Livro de Lisboa, Parque Eduardo VII
Book presentation 'Entre o Império e a NATO: Portugal e os Estados Unidos da América (1949-1961)'
September 5th 2022 | 6 PM
Praça Amarela
Feira do Livro de Lisboa, Parque Eduardo VII
'Small States and Big Powers: Portugal and Iceland´s Foreign Relations'
August 30 | 2022
University of Iceland, Reykjavík
Book presentation 'Proteção Social no Portugal Democrático, Trajetórias de Reforma' | Debate 'Pensões, que futuro?'
August 28, 2022 | 17h30
Palco Praça Azul
Feira do Livro de Lisboa, Parque Eduardo VII
Summer School IPRI-NOVA @ NOVA FCSH 2022
"The Portuguese Immigration Policy: Construction and Implementation"
29 August - 2 September | 2022
Face-to-face teaching
Free admission
Protocolo adicional ao acordo de cooperação entre o DRI-UAL e o IPRI-NOVA
8 | Julho | 2022
Lunch Seminar
Discriminação de género com base nos preços
24 | junho| 2022
Sala 3.11, Colégio Almada Negreiros
Lunch Seminar
Desigualdades entre Iguais - Justiça Distributiva depois do Princípio da Diferença
27 | maio| 2022
Sala 3.11, Colégio Almada Negreiros
Lunch Seminar
Legislaturas em Regimes Não Democráticos: Política Legislativa no Autoritarismo Português
29 | abril| 2022
Sala 3.11, Colégio Almada Negreiros
The Atlantic Alliance after the invasion of Ukraine
19 | abril | 2022
Auditório da FLAD | Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento
Lunch Seminar
Electoral aftershocks: the effects of an earthquake in a multilevel political setting
1 | abril| 2022
Sala 3.11, Colégio Almada Negreiros
Recruitment of a PhD holder in Political Science
until 23th march | 2022
Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 – Dialogues on Energy & Sustainability, Trade & Economics and Security & Inequality
9 & 10 | March | 2021
The ASEAN and Great Powers in Southeast Asia
5 | November | 2021
Closed door event
Small states and big powers: Portugal and Iceland's foreign relations
28 & 29 | October | 2021
Auditório 3 | Instituto de Defesa Nacional
Depois de Merkel: as eleições alemãs em perspectiva
29 | September | 2021
ZOOM & Facebook
Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 – Dialogues
Atlantic approaches to global challenges: Sustainability, recovery and new security threats
28 & 29 | June | 2021
The webinar will be broadcasted live on CIDOB's YouTube channel
Call for Applications
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2021
30 | June | 2021
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 – Dialogues
North and South Atlantic: Interactions, Concerns and Challenges
14 & 15 | december | 2021
Online (Lisbon time)
European Solidarity: Perspectives from the Southern Member States
26 | november | 2021
Virtual event (Zoom)
Seminário internacional
Imigrantes, Refugiados e Gestão Migratória na UE - Atores e desafios
9 | novembro | 2021
Colégio Almada Negreiros, Auditório 224
TEPSA Portuguese Pre-Presidency Conference Virtual Edition
26 - 27 | November | 2020
Lunch Seminar
How to Combine Public Spending with Fiscal Rigour? «Austerity by Stealth» in Post-Bailout Portugal (2015-2019)
13 | November | 2020
Da Emigração à Diáspora: As Comunidades na Política Externa Portuguesa
19 | October | 2020
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon
Book Launch
Portugal na Era dos Homens Fortes
22 | September | 2020
Garden of Palácio Galveias, Lisbon
Book Launch
Do Fim da Guerra Fria a Trump e à COVID-19
12 | September | 2020
Lisbon Book Fair
Summer Course
Migrants, Refugees, and Migrations Management: Europe and the Others
20-25 | July | 2020
Online Course
Summer Course
Strategic Information Security: The Challenges of Globalization and Democratic Transparency
06-15 | July | 2020
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Mind the (Submission) Gap: EPSR Gender Data and Female Authors Publishing Perceptions
03 | July | 2020
Call for Applications
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2020
30 | June | 2020
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Discourses, Existential Fear and Hegemony: The US Common Triad to Fight Distinct Threats? (1945-2003)
05 | June | 2020
Global Climate Course
31 March - 28 Abril | 2020
Room 311, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon
Abstention and Electoral Participation in Portugal: Diagnosis and Hypotheses of Reform
27 | November | 2019
NOVA SBE, Cascais
Afinal o que é isso do populismo?!
26 | November | 2019
Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon
Encontros de Estudos sobre a China
Political Management of Economic Opportunities with China
20 | November | 2019
Ala Autónoma, Aud. Silva Leal, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon
70th Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty
18 | November | 2019
FLAD, Lisbon
70th Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty
18 | November | 2019
FLAD, Lisbon
From Helsinki to Berlin: Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall
11-12 | November | 2019
Provisional Results
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT)
13 | November | 2019
From Helsinki to Berlin: Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall
11-12 | November | 2019
Open Call
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT) - November
29 October - 12 Novemver | 2019
Inter-Generational Dialogue
100 Cities 100 Dialogues
08 | November | 2019
Research Seminar
Spain and Portugal and the EEC Enlargement
22-23 | October | 2019
Polivalente Room, ICS-ULisboa
Interest Group Research in Southern Europe and Beyond: Findings and Perspectives
24 | October | 2019
Room T1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH
Research Seminar
Spain and Portugal and the EEC Enlargement
22-23 | October | 2019
Polivalente Room, ICS-ULisboa
Book Launching
Economia e História: Estudos de Homenagem a José Maria Brandão de Brito
03 | October | 2019
Bertrand Bookstore in Picoas Plaza, Lisbon
Book Launching
Economia e História: Estudos de Homenagem a José Maria Brandão de Brito
03 | October | 2019
Bertrand Bookstore in Picoas Plaza, Lisbon
Book Launching
Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita
30 | September | 2019
Chiado Clube Literário, Lisbon
Book Launching
Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita
30 | September | 2019
Chiado Clube Literário, Lisbon
Open Call
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT) - July
26 July - 08 August | 2019
Provisional Results
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT)
19 | August | 2019
Summer Course
Migrants, Refugees, and Migrations Management - Europe and the Others
08-13 | July | 2019
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Power Patterns in the Horn of Africa
24 | May | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Encontro da Fundação
Ethics, Values, and Politics
01 | June | 2019
Pavilhão Carlos Lopes, Lisbon
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
Power Patterns in the Horn of Africa
24 | May | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | FCSH/NOVA
Comparative Politics and International Relations Seminar
The Portuguese Foreign Policy towards Brexit: Challenges and Strategies
10 | May | 2019
IPRI Room, I&D Building, r/c | NOVA FCSH
Recent Developments in The Maghreb Region: Are Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia on a Road to Democracy?
29 | April | 2019
Auditorium 1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH
Research Seminar
Governance, Regulation and Economic Integration
08 | May | 2019
Auditorium 3, ISEG
Recent Developments in The Maghreb Region: Are Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia on a Road to Democracy?
29 | April | 2019
Auditorium 1, Tower B, NOVA FCSH
Democracy and Populism in Southern Europe
29 | April | 2019
Georgetown University
Provisional Results
Science and Technology Management Fellowship (BGCT)
09 | April | 2019
Portugal and the EU Before and After the Crisis
28 | March | 2019
Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
The Portuguese Democracy 45 Years After
02 | April | 2019
Sala do Senado, Portuguese Parliament, Lisbon